Customizability in Property Management

The obligations of effective property management have inspired an entire branch of technology that otherwise the world did not know it needed. The term prop-tech may sound completely ridiculous, but the seriousness of its scope is not ridiculous at all.  

The top players in this world of property technology for many years have provided adequate service to some of the largest commercial and residential property management firms in the world. But what they’ve provided is just that, adequate. When it comes to really pushing the envelope, driving efficiency, and hearing customers’ real needs, these giants are often flat-footed.

Our goal is to do what these companies plainly won’t. We’ve stepped up to integrate with them to add the cutting-edge technology that addresses real client needs atop of their platforms, rather than being just another property management platform that you need to switch to.

AppFolio, RealPage, Yardi ect, are great tools to get your firm started on modernizing your workflows.  

What we provide is the edge a firm needs to be the absolute best, most effective team in their market – this edge being agility and flexibility.  

With a completely customizable platform, your neighboring PM simply can’t compete. The level of efficiency in a personalized environment is incomparable to a basic suite that the entire industry uses for management. The value is that you are in control of your own success.

You dream up what analytics your market is lacking (we develop it) and you reap the benefits.

You determine how you want your workflow to run (we implement it) and your team in the most efficient property management company in your city.  

It’s your choice to stand out or blend in. Let us know what you choose.


Don’t Migrate, Integrate


Data Visibility in Property Management